Caroline Kreling: contemporaneity and elegance
Caroline Kreling was always interested on the universe of architecture, design and decoration. Guided by the curiosity in understanding the functionality of spaces and objects, she naturally sought architecture as a path. Soon in the first months of coursing architecture on Uniritter in Porto Alegre, her hometown, she searched every practice required to become a full architect.
The absorption of information during the college period was so intense that Caroline participated of her first exhibition in the same year she got her degree, 2009. In this first period she became certain that she was ready to open her own office in the capital of her State, putting her personality in each detail on her projects, acting mainly with houses’ interior design.
With a contemporary profile, Caroline reflects elegance in each environment composition without putting aside comfort. With fluid spaces that value living and well-being the search for innovative solutions and practices is exclusively thought out for each project after a thorough study.
She is constantly updating herself on travels to foreign locations, going to events and shows, what always guarantees new concepts of well-living. Study is always a part of her routine. Coursed Commercial Design to hotels and restaurants on the Milano Business School in 2016 and specialized in Interior Design on the Marangoni Istitute in 2018.
The architect was present on the main exhibits of Rio Grande do Sul like Casa & Cia on 2010 and 2012 and CASACOR RS in 2013, 2014 and 2015, in which she presented an innovative external area, with a very stylish and glamorous pool.